Welcome to the official website of the Government of the Honorable and Independent Dictatorship of Matalospinos. I hope that it helps you understand more about my country.

We could set the foundation of my nation back to August 2018.

"FGNJNSKLGJNBRG-- Is- Is this thing on? Hello?"
"Eh, I will just guess it is recording"
a teenager appeared in the center of the frame, inside of a forest. the leaves were orange, meaning that the recording was made in autumn
"To whoever shall find this tape, you have come across a memory of a young man with an old story on his shoulders. One of my duties is, of course, investigating the lands I rule and finding any possible improvements I could do. And while I was enforcing that precise task, I saw myself lost in a forest just like thee in which this is recorded"
"... sigh. No, if I am gonna do it I am gonna do it right."
he cleared his throat.
"I, am Michael Straedford Badamonte. Sixteen, meter ninety, orphan, dictator. The latter two, ever since August the eighteenth, 2018, over one year ago. I am recording this tape to share my story and to, hopefully, enter people's memories."
"...that date won't stop haunting me. The day it happened, when everything changed. The local petrol refinery had up to three thousand employees at a time, but it was rumored that the safety protocols weren't followed entirely, some dared say at all. It was also located right beside a plastic producing plant. The entire industrial area polluted the air far above the recommended limits causing many of us townsmen to develop athsma and other similar breathing illnesses."
"Then, one day, of course it had to happen."
he gave himself a moment to organize his thoughts and take a deep breath
"One of the petrol tanks in the refinery caught fire and exploded in seconds. Then the other tanks, the rest of the facility, the plastic plant, half of the town followed. Everything happened overnight, and I only got to know about it next morning."
"I woke up as if nothing had happened. Of course the smoke of the fire was still emitting into the air, covering the sky in a thick, black cloud of toxic chemicals. Basically what you'd find in a cigarette but a thousand times more lethal. Of course that is an exaggeration, but the news still warned about the whole situation obviously"
"I... i didnt actually feel like something was odd. My father would be working at the refinery and my mother in that one office building. That place was so big, and ugly, just a huge chunk of glass in the middle of a city... I've never come to like that kind of architecture honestly"
"Well i am getting off topic. The thing is that i made my breakfast, put on the television which somehow still worked kinda fine, and upon hearing the big news I was obviously overwhelmed. The whole town had been evacuated while I had simply been left behind. I mean I was asleep how would I know my entire town was burning down"
"The smoke kept blocking the air for a few weeks, and trust me, it was horrible. I tried to walk out twice, the first time without and the second WITH a gas mask, but both times I couldn't make it further than to the middle of the street. Actually, the smoke lasted all the way until late September..? I had kind of lost track by then, the electricity had by far been cut out in order to prevent any electrical fires i suppose"
"And obviously by then I was running quite short on resources, you know food and drink, so when I saw the chance i went ahead and took it."
"it was frightening."
"Cause at one instant I felt safe inside my clean home and the other I was outside... with so many burnt down houses around me... everything covered in ash... I felt impotent, but of course my need of edible products took over and I immediately broke into my neighbor's home who has, or had, four daughters, stole all the food I found and ran back inside my house"
"I spent my life that way until... December"
"Never sure whether I should run away from my home and look for other people, or stay there and stay safe"
"So obviously, in the meantime, i chose the latter"
"But as it turned into 2019, and of course I ate my bunch of grapes to the chime of the clock at my house, i made a new year resolution, and that was to take control of my life and not hide myself in the shadows of my home. Also i had eaten all the food in all the houses I was able to break into. So i took these very clothes you're seeing i have right now, my Ceska Zbrosomething 580 shotgun with three boxes of ammo, my backpack with a bunch of other stuff and explored the lands around."
"And that way I was able to establish the Honourable and Independent Dictatorship of Matalospinos. i know, its a long name, but you gotta admit it sounds radical as hell."
"And over the course of that year i did maaany things to my Dictatorship. For example I built checkpoints and border patrols, i played golf which i had never done, and I of course hunted! The best example I have ever killed was a deer, and i did it with my fare fists. Maybe that made it taste even better, cause my mouth still drools just by remembering that meal..."
"It felt rewarding to kill those animals, and I guess that is what hunting is all about"
"Other than feeding yourself to survive"
"You know how i said that one of my duties was to explore the lands i owned, and hopefully still own. And inside of them was the Dead Pine Forest, or Pinar Muerto in spanish. During its latest explorations i went far too off track and i got lost here. Dont worry, its not the first time i ventured into that forest and ended up elsewhere. There is some sort of bunker in there which lead me to the inside of the refinery, which is an exclusion zone of course, and when i went back through it i was in the city hall! And when i tried to walk through it again the door didnt open so that was nice."
"But last the last exploration of the pine forest lead me here, wherever this is."
"Well. Now here I am, trying to make my way back to the place i came from. I leave behind my shotgun, my tent, and my body cause somehow God accepted to bring me back to life after a random hunter shot me."
"So, whoever you are, it doesn't even matter, just please remember who I am in case i am not seen again. Goodbye."
He then walked up to the camera and stopped the recording.