33_eng. 16/VIII/24: rubber ring numbering
hi good afternoon, I'm veeery bored so I'm going to put here the different rubber ring numbering systems that there are (and were) used in the water park where I work
proper nouns (singles)
before rubber rings had numbers, they had names
although this system is no longer in used, it can still be seen faded out in some rubber rings
some examples are Espetito (translated as "little skewer", which is now some SM-000) and Sonia (currently LEON 02)
seemingly random letters and numbers (singles)
I say seemingly random because, since they're so old, I can't find a pattern in them
the next series are highlightable since there's more than one example of them: Z-0000, AB-0000, DA-000 and SM-000
there's also some odd numbers by themselves, such as 18-J and L-102, the latter of which is not related to the system currently in use
1000 series (singles)
the reason for putting this series last is because it's assumed that it's related to the 3000/4000 series (listed next)
it is also assumed that this series was sequential: the first rubber ring to be inflated was 1000, then 1001, then 1002 and so on
currently we have 1000, 1032, 1039 and 1050 as examples
3000/4000 series (doubles)
just like the 1000 series, it is imagined that this series was sequential too. first 3000, then 3001... eventually 3999 arrived, 4000 came next, then 4001, and so on
the oldest examples that were in use up until recently were 3172 and 3210. I don't know what happened to the first one, but I do know the second one was deregistered (I deregistered it myself)
duplicities (two rubber rings with the same number) were solved by putting an extra number in front of the rubber ring's number, proof of this being 34476 and 44476
YYM000 series (singles and doubles)
these rubber rings are still pretty common because this system was used in 2021 and 2022
the number of each rubber ring is composed of: there are two variations of this series, one where the sequence is only two numbers though it didn't last long (example: 22714) and another without the month because I wasn't paying attention (example: 22370)
the way of solving duplicities was adding the suffix bis to the end of the number. there was one single case of triplicity, 228202, giving birth to 228202bis and 228202delta (currently simply Delta)
23A00 series (singles and doubles)
very few rubber rings were assigned to this series because it was left exclusively for old rubber rings without number or those with a duplicated number
fourteen were assigned, but currently only the singles 23A06 and 23A07 and the doubles 23A12 and 23A14 are in circulation
X-D00 / X-DD00 series (singles and doubles)
this system was used in 2023 and 2024. in the beginning it was an idea from my boss, but the original idea was to use one letter for each day, which I'm very sorry, but it didn't make sense, because there are 27 letters in the spanish alphabet and 30/31 days in a month
so I came up with a new composition for the series, which is: the latin alphabet is used, and the meaning of each letter is listed below:
Areserved for
old rubber rings
H307 /
July 2030
Ñommited to avoid
confusion with N
U248 /
August 2024
B277 /
July 2027
Iommited to avoid
confusion with 1
Oommited to avoid
confusion with D, 0
Vommited to avoid
confusion with U
C278 /
August 2027
J308 /
August 2030
P228 /
August 2022
W257 /
July 2025
D287 /
July 2028
K217 /
July 2021
Qommited to avoid
confusion with O, 0
X258 /
August 2025
E288 /
August 2028
L218 /
August 2021
R237 /
July 2023
Y267 /
July 2026
F297 /
July 2029
Mreserved for
single rubber rings
S238 /
August 2023
Z268 /
August 2026
G298 /
August 2029
N227 /
July 2022
T247 /
July 2024
the way of solving duplicities was the same as in the YYM000 system with the suffix bis, although later the letters A and B were used as suffixes
the letter A- has been added at the beginning of some rubber rings older than 2021 to adapt them to this system, though this process has been stopped
XA-00 series (singles and doubles)
this was a series I came up with while we were figuring out how to put the previous system in place. it's composed of: a detail about this system is that it DOES use the letter M, which I corrected when putting in place the system above (with that massive table)
the numbering sequence was also a bit complicated too
it starts with A-01, then A-02, that way until reaching A-99. from there, it moves on to B-01, then B-02... B-99, C-01, and so on
in retrospective, I should've removed the vowels, but this system is no longer in use, so
examples of this series are MA-14 (currently L-014), PD-10 (which should be P-307) and PE-49 (I have no clue what happened to it)
X-000 series (singles and doubles)
this series is a copy of the YYM000 series, but condensing the first three numbers into the letter of the previous system
there douesn't currently exist any rubber ring in this series, but it will be used from next year forward
this series will have strictly three numbers, as opposed to the X-DD00 series which could have either 3 or 4 numbers, and the plan is to renumber all rubber rings under this system
special numbers (assigned from 2022 to 2024)
these are numbers or names that do not belong to any system and which have been given to rubber rings in the last three years, in alphabetical order and as I remember them:
with time I will add more photos as I remember or take them

rubber ringreference photorubber ringnumber


cordoban flamenquins
(the first
license plate)


Republic de Lenara

United Kingdom
(currently Delta)




New Ulster

Shedington (1955-1964)

Shedington (1988-2004)