25. 3/III/24: human wrongs

nah, not really
unless you're reading this from the future or living under a rock, which I wouldn't blame you, you know how fucked up the world is right now
Ukraine, Gaza, the ship with fertilizer sank by houthi militants, and I'm glossing over a lot of stuff, but I only want to give a little context for the people who I just mentioned
to be honest, choosing to live under a rock is so valid right now. tuning into the news is genuinely so depressing
and now that I've made the mistake of watching the news for lunch AND dinner, I wanna go on a rant on the fact that I hate humans!
I first want to state that I don't engage in any forms of discrimination
I find it stupid to hate or find someone else lesser than you just because they belong to a specific group
you hate a black person just because they're black? you hate a gay person just because they're gay? really? that's pathetic
I myself hate humanity as a whole because of how much damage we've done to the planet
and now that I'm thinking about this twice, I need to make an exception
undeveloped nations and isolated cultures have, I believe, no blame in the current state of the world
I think that only the developed nations are to blame. the industrialized ones
the ones who are capable and are choosing to create all these products, all this waste, all this energy that is ruining the world
I've said it many times before, online and real life
humanity's worst mistake and failure was the industrial revolution
it allowed us to create power and create machines to do the work for us, therefore it took less from us to do things
our main worry was now to feed those machines. and boy, do we feed them, even to this day
now don't get me wrong, humans have always been horrible creatures, much longer before industrialization
we've always been cruel, because we've hurt and stolen from other humans
but at least we kinda left the planet alone
since the industrial revolution though? hell no, that was humanity's point of no return
from there, we started exploting the resources of the planet LARGE SCALE
we started multiplying like fucking rabbits because we discovered meds and mass produced them
this made less people die and, therefore, more people needed their needs met
and nowadays, look at what we have
warehouse gases raising temperatures, causing wild ass weather patterns, ending the lives of countless specimens
chopping up and shrinking forests, sucking the earth dry of its water and all other resources that it still has
and we believe that we can turn this all around by the year 2050?
what do those idiots in brussels think they are, gods?? they have diplomatic relations with God to help us fix the planet??
God, or whatever there is, if there even is anything
but if there IS something out there, I hope that it lets us die so that we learn our damned lesson
and now, you may be asking yourself
"why don't you kill yourself, crescent? by staying alive, you're actively being part of the problem"
"you're choosing to stay alive, therefore continuing to partake in this worldwide system of consumerism, human exploitation and disregarding the environment"
"and it's not like you're trying to be part of the solution, right???"
it's not that simple. I do some stuff that helps
I recycle stuff whenever I can
I also use/reuse all my stuff, like water bottles and clothes, all I can
I haven't bought any electronics in a good while, in fact my most recent electronic is this laptop and it's already two years old
so yeah, I try my best to not buy new stuff as to be as little of a part of the problem as I can
except for food. as a simple human that I am I require food, and unfortunately, I don't know how to grow it myself
neither do I know how to take care of a pig or cow, and let alone how to butcher it
not like I'd have an issue to do that last part
in fact, if I could skip to the butchering part, it would be much easier
I'd only have to worry about ensuring I only use the good parts of the animal in question
and you know how humans count as animals, right?