21. 19/II/24: still alive

this blog entry isn't meant to mean anything
I simply want to make you all know that I'm not dead
ain't I kind?
the title may have reminded you of portal
I know that the last entry wasn't hopeful at all
I've been talking to my "son" more
and though it might feel like a chore for him, I dunno
I appreciate that he responds to me at all
it should be obvious that he's not my biological son though
I don't remember if I stated this in my previous entry, but he's my online son
I have an online family going on, yes
two, actually, for the lack of one
my real life parents weren't bad to me at all
but I dunno, it still feels nice to have those friends and consider them family
even if we don't talk every day
once again, I don't know what to write here
um, maybe talk about road signs?
man, fuck that, I've done that too much, it's basically the only thing I do
...but what's bad about that anyway?
fuck it. check these guys out
as with any other image in existence, you can open them in a new tab to see them bigger

0: map displaying all countries for which I've made road signs for or based on

1: the "stop only for emergencies" sign would be used at motorways/freeways
the P in the "no problem/parking allowed" sign is only present for reassurance

signs for exit approach
signs placed at exit

2 → 2 + 1

4 → 2 + 2

4 → 3 + 2

similar situation to the first sign

2: Ontario. in the signs I made, preview scale 1px = 2cm
blue backgrounds would only used for signs placed in tollways or referring to tollways
for situations with option lanes like the last two pictures, either approach for the arrows can be taken

3: Ibaña. it now uses 1969 Spanish arrows
preview scale for km signs 1px = 1cm. preview scale for exit sign 1px = 2cm

4: UK. inspired by pre-Worboys signs, as they're called. preview scale 1px = 2cm

5: signs from Europe translated into the US
this made me want to start redesigning all US signs, again
the project is still very early though so you won't be seeing much anytime soon

6: Spain. real life, my old standards and my new standards which intention is actually to look older

7: Poland. I didn't make its standards look too different from real life,
because I don't know them that well and they're already pretty solid. preview scale 1px = 2cm

and yeah, that's everything! I feel pretty satisfied with this
now off I go to eat a yogurt for dinner and maybe not write here until another month goes by, hahah