15. 4/I/24: first entry of the year!

first entry of 2024! what, you guys thought I had ditched the blog? well hell no! I like myself an occasional, unfiltered, mentally unstable rambling
and besides, I said it in the diary. I'm a man of my word! although I'd much rather be a woman of my word. I hate this penis. there, I said it
ANYWAY, that's not the topic of this entry. check out what I came up with tonight!

cool! blatant copy of "airbag/how am I driving" but still! cool!
anyway. last night, I looked through quite a bunch of sites with the tags "system" "osdd" "schizo" "schizophrenia", out of pure curiosity
I know someone might say that I'm trying to romantizise these conditions by looking at sites that have those tags. I have no way to defend myself from such accusations
but I came out of that exploration with two conclusions: buttons and shrines
buttons are little rectangular gifs that are related to the site. for example, I could make a button of the flag of Shedington waving in the sky. people can put these buttons in their site and have the button redirect to mine! of course, they can also be merely decorational
a shrine is a page that someone sets up in their site centered around a person or group that they find interesting or who they have a passion/interest for. it would make sense for me to make a shrine for Talking Heads, for example
I definitely like the idea of making buttons, but shrines will take a much longer time to come if ever
I feel like the way I write the diaries has bled into the way I write the blog entries
it only makes sense. after all, I'm the same writer, just in slightly different moods I suppose
but rest assured, this is where you will get your dose of crazy paranoid Crescent
here I lay my twisted thoughts into words, if you so wish to say